Recently, I watched the documentary 50 Best Horror Movies You’ve Never Seen (2014) on Tubi, and realized I already had a review for one of them. Just in case it is a horror movie you’ve never seen, here’s my review. Spoiler: I liked it. A lot. Welcome to Monster Movie Madness , where we take a look at flicks and films dealing with threats and things that aren’t exactly human. Hell, most of ’em aren’t human at all—and those are the really fun ones! Sharp things. Pointy things. Sharp and pointy things. We see plenty of sharp and pointy things in horror movies, from the slasher’s knives to the werewolf’s claws to the vampire’s fangs—but what about something that’s all sharp, all pointy, all the time? Sound like fun? Let’s find out. Go rummage through the first-aid kit for the tweezers and Mercurochrome—oh, and see if you can’t find a flamethrower in there—as we get ready to extract a Splinter (2008). Written by Ian Shore and Kai Barry Directed by Toby Wilkins Warning: this...
. . . because I do love me some monster movies!